What All Great Weddings Have In Common
13 June 2019
Not all weddings are created equal. And whilst the amount of cash you splash on your wedding can play a part in the event’s success, there are a few other, more important things that will ensure that your wedding is memorable for all the right reasons. From an event that’s got personal touches throughout; to great music that gets everyone on the dance floor. Here are some things that kick ass weddings often have, and how you can incorporate them into your own big day.
They’re authentic…
Great weddings stay true to who the couple are. This means everything from the venue to the decorations and the entertainment is a reflection of their personalities and not just a rehashing of every single wedding trend on Pinterest. So, look at your life with your fiancée and see how you can reflect that into your wedding day. Whether it’s passages from your favourite books being incorporated into your wedding vows; to naming your wedding tables after your memorable places in your relationship; to your Star Wars obsession being incorporated into your wedding cake. The more personality your wedding has, the more your guests will feel right at home.
They keep moving…
The pace of how the day plays out can really influence how good a time your guests will have. If there’s too much time between certain events or one particular aspect of the evening is drawn out, then your guests will most likely get a bit restless, or worse, bored. So pay special attention to the running order of your day and make sure that there’s not a lull somewhere where your guests are at a loose end. Also, watch out for formalities going too long such as the ceremony or the speeches, which are notorious for running over time and as such eat into people’s time to party.
They’re organised…
You’d be surprised at how disorganisation can all of a sudden make a wedding frustrating rather than fun. To avoid this, make sure that your guests know where they’re going and what they’re doing at all times. This means that on the day ensure there’s someone or something directing your guests where they have to be, and what’s to come. It’s a small thing but nobody likes having to spend all their time trying to track down the ceremony location or waiting in super long lines to get a drink at the bar.
READ: What Nobody Told Me About Planning A DIY Wedding
It’s a party…
A wedding should first and foremost be a celebration of two people finding their forever person; so at its core, remember that it’s a party! This means giving people plenty of time during the reception to enjoy the festive atmosphere, mingle and catch up with other guests, and most importantly hit the dance floor. Because a wedding isn’t a wedding until you see all the people that you love in the one room rocking out to on the d-floor to a cheesy 80s pop song and having the time of their lives.
Good food and drinks…
You don’t have to spend a fortune on catering or expensive alcohol (unless you want to of course) but it is important to make sure that your guests have plenty to eat and a beverage is never too far away. Good food and drinks are often at the core of any successful gathering so be sure to focus on this part of your preparations as it’s often the kind of thing that will influence how good a time your guests have.
There’s atmosphere…
Pay attention to your ceremony and reception venues and see how you can a) ensure your guests are comfortable and b) there’s an inviting ambience. This means looking at the basics such as making sure that guests aren’t too hot or too cold (because nothing ruins a party vibe more than feeling like you’re freezing to death in your cocktail dress); the place isn’t too clinical or sparse (think nice lighting and decorations to add a little warmth); and that there’s always music in the background (in this instance, silence isn’t golden).
Tania Gomez.