
Why is this important to Showpo?
As a company who uplifts, we also support. Our philanthropy actions to date have been based on where we can make the most impact. The partnerships we have created with our chosen organisations have allowed us to support and give back to communities and individuals who are in need. As a company, we view philanthropy as a responsibility, one that we continuously strive to achieve. As a customer-focused company, we hope to make fashion accessible, and also hope to help improve the world our customer lives in by serving and investing in the communities we’re a part of.
What have we already done in this area?
We believe in forming meaningful long term partnerships with our chosen charity partners, this way we ensure that we can focus our efforts to generate the largest impact. To date, we’ve donated over $158,000 to our charity partners.
The Hunger Project
Showpo has partnered with The Hunger Project who are on a mission “to end hunger and poverty by pioneering sustainable, grassroots, women-centred strategies and advocating for their widespread adoption in countries throughout the world.”. To date we've donated over $110,000 to The Hunger Project.